KUKA KL1500/2 Linear track
KUKA KL1500/2 Linear track
7th axis linear track with a lenght raging from 2 to 15 meters. Compatible with the following KRC2 Kuka robots:
KR30/2 KR45/2 KR60/2 KR125/2 KR150/2 KR200/2 KR125/3 KR150/3 KR200/3 KR350/2 KR150 KR180 KR210 series 2000
We have all the necessary hardware to convert a 6 axis KRC2 cabinet into a 7 axis one.
KUKA linear units are translational motion units. They can be used to extend a robot’s work envelope or alternatively to move workpieces or tools within the work envelopes of a number of robots. This allows applications such as the tending of more than one machine or fixture, order picking from rows of pallets, or work on very large components.
Control of the linear unit is integrated as a mathematically coupled axis in the robot controller, dispensing with the need for an additional controller.
Nennhub Nennhub min. = 1 000 mm
Nennhub max. = 15 000 mm (größere Nennhübe auf Anfrage)
Nennhubstufung Stufung 500 mm
Geschwindigkeit v max. = 1,45 m/s
Belastung Masse Laufwagen m = 440 kg
Masse Träger komplett m = 345 kg/m
Masse Traglast mT = Roboter mit Zusatzlasten,
Anzahl der Laufwagen max. 4 Laufwagen. Ein Laufwagen kann mit einem Tenderwagen gekoppelt werden.
Konsolen min. 200 mm hoch max. 800 mm hoch
Stufung 100 mm nur für KR 30 bis KR 210