Fanuc Arcmate 100iB robot welding system - 9 axis
Fanuc Arcmate 100iB robot welding system - 9 axis
Year 2008. Complete 9 axis arc welding robotic system consisting of:
- 1 x Fanuc Arcmate 100ic 6 axis industrial robot, 1420 mm horizontal arm reach, 10 kg payload featuring an accuracy in repeatibility of 0.08 mm. Fanuc controller RJ3iC with integrated arc welding software
- 2 x aligned rotary positioners, independently servocontrolled by the Fanuc robot RJ3ic controller, 2.5 meters between head and tailstock, 500 kg loading capacity
- 1 x robot linear track, 6 meters long, servocontrolled by the Fanuc robot Rj3iC controller
- MIG/MAG synergic power welding source, liquid cooled, 400 Ampere power, robot arc welding torch with integrated anticolision.
- Automatic torch cleaning station
- Light barriers