ABB IRB 140 M2004
ABB IRB 140 M2004
This small unique robot is a compact and powerful 6-axis machine with a unique combination of fast acceleration, large working area and high payload. It is the perfect choice for tasks which require short cycle times and accuracy such as assembly of parts and loading and unloading of light parts.
Reliable – High production up time
Fast – Short cycle times
Fastest robot of its class. Using IRB 140T, cycle-times are considerably reduced thanks to top high access speed and acceleration combined with unique ABB motion control; QuickMove.
Accurate – Consistent parts quality
Outstanding position repeatability (± 0.03mm) and very good path accuracy.
Strong – Maximized utilization
The combination of payload up to 5 kg and reach of 810 mm makes this robot the best in its class.
Versatile – Flexible integration and production
The standard IRB 140 can be floor or wall mounted at any angle, or suspended, which allows greater flexibility in arranging the layout of the production line. Uniquely extended radius of working area due to bend-back mechanism of upper arm, axis 1 rotation of 360 degrees and flexible mounting capabilities.
This robot comes with the IRC5 M2004 (fifth generation of ABB control system) controller which features:
The FlexPendant is characterized by its clean, color touch screen-based design and 3D joystick for intuitive interaction. Powerful customized application support enables loading of
RAPID programming language
RAPID programming provides the perfect combination of simplicity, flexibility and power. It is a truly unlimited language with support for structured programs, shop floor language
and advanced features. It also incorporates powerful support for many process applications.
The IRC5 supports the state-of-the-art field busses for I/O and is a well-behaved node in any plant network. Sensor interfaces, remote disk access and socket messaging are examples of the many powerful networking features.
Motion control
The IRC5 supports the state-of-the-art field busses for I/O and is a well-behaved node in any plant network. Sensor interfaces, remote disk access and socket messaging are examples of the many powerful networking features.
General specifications
- Maximum load of robot: 5 Kg
- Number of axis: 6
- Maximum Reach: 810 mm
- Repeatability: 0.03 mm
- Controller: IRC5 M2004
Robot motion speed
- Axis 1: 200º/s
- Axis 2: 200º/s
- Axis 3: 260º/s
- Axis 4: 360º/s
- Axis 5: 360º/s
- Axis 6: 450º/s
Robot motion range
- Axis 1:±360°
- Axis 2 ±200°
- Axis 3 ±280°
- Axis 4 ±400°
- Axis 5 ±240°
- Axis 6 ±800°